Friday, September 9, 2016


Back in the mid-’80s, when Fanita Pendleton was a high school student in Oakland, Calif., her mother knew exactly where the girl had to be if she didn’t come home from school right away.
On the short walk home, Pendleton often made a detour to the Oakland Public Library – not to clock in for an after-school job or to do homework at one of the tables. She’d find the aisle where the seedy books were – often the hardcore street fantasies of Donald Goines and Iceberg Slim or sometimes the tawdry tales of Danielle Steel – and read until closing time.
“If it didn’t have cussin’ and killin’ in it, I wasn’t interested,” says Pendleton, seated at a table in Urban Moon, the bookstore she opened a month ago inside Chesapeake Square Mall.
A probation officer in Virginia Beach by day, Pendleton has realized something she never dreamed of as she escaped into street lit at the Oakland Public Library all those years ago. In the last four years, she has self-published nine of her own wild urban tales, boasting such titles as “Shoot First, Ask Questions Never.”
With Urban Moon, Pendleton also has established a place where fellow street lit authors, most self-published, can meet and share ideas. Here, they can also hustle their quickly written stories of sex, drugs and deceit that line the store walls.
Pendleton opened Urban Moon because she had found doors closed to her. It’s in a prime corner spot next to Foot Locker in Chesapeake Square Mall, which in the last few months has been headed toward foreclosure with the departure of such anchor stores as Macy’s and Sears. Purple and silver balloons from one of the bookstore’s weekly author showcases still float in corners. Two tiny tables and chairs for toddlers, designated as the “Kids’ Corner,” sit under a mural of children frolicking in brilliantly green grass. Paperbacks with flashy titles befitting straight-to-DVD urban action flicks (“Hood Lawz” and “Turf Warz,” for instance) dominate the shelves along the walls. A small “mainstream” section boasts hardback books by commercial authors such as Tom Clancy and Patricia Cornwell. A smaller “African American” section carries a few titles by such canonized authors as James Baldwin and Eldridge Cleaver. One book by Nobel laureate Toni Morrison sits on a low shelf, curiously placed with the “inspirational” and Christian books.
But most who patronize Urban Moon don’t have an appetite for mainstream literature. They’re in search of the kind of gritty, violent tales that extend what Donald Goines and Iceberg Slim wrote back in the ’70s, books that were usually sold behind the counter at five-and-dime stores. These days, such hardcore tales are widely available. Places like Target and Wal-Mart carry urban fiction paperbacks. Many of the 150 titles at Urban Moon, some of which aren’t fit to print in a family newspaper, are the lurid soap operas one has come to expect from the genre. Manipulative wives and cheating husbands, icy drug kings and scheming drama queens, sex and profanity abound – along with the adverbs.
The writing and characters are often inelegant, the plot lines clumsy and almost always predictable. But street lit has been a lucrative market for years. Some of its major names, including popular Portsmouth author Kiki Swinson, demand six-figure advances and sell an average of 100,000 copies per title.
“It’s really important to have a platform like this because there’s a lot of untapped talent and authors that have great stories but aren’t attached to major publishers,” says Swinson, who appeared at Urban Moon for a book signing soon after it opened. “If you’re not signed with a major publishing house, then we’d never see that author’s book in stores like Barnes & Noble, Wal-Mart or Target. So having Urban Moon Books bridges that gap for self-published authors that want to get their books on a retail book shelf.”
In 2012, Pendleton, a voracious reader who finishes three or four books a week, read one that displeased her.
“I was wondering how they were putting this story out, as raggedy as this is,” says Pendleton, 44. “I figured I could write down these stories in my head.”
At that point, Pendleton, a single mother of a teenage son, had been living in Hampton Roads for nearly half her life. (She first moved to the area with her family in the mid-’80s, returned to Oakland to finish high school, and moved back to Norfolk shortly afterward.) She had earned degrees in sociology and public administration and taught criminal justice at ITT Technical Institute in Norfolk. But writing gave her a challenge and fulfillment she didn’t always find while teaching and working as a probation officer.
Her brother, Leihei, encouraged her to pursue writing. He also designed his sister’s store logo – a busty, bespectacled woman holding a book inside the moon. The design also is a nod to Pendleton, whose nickname is “Moon.”
Pendleton self-published her first book, 2012’s “Shoot First, Ask Questions Never,” a title inspired by a game of pool, one of her favorite pastimes. But she could find no stores that would carry it.
“They gave me some song and dance about my book not being returnable, so they wouldn’t put it on the shelves,” says Pendleton, still dressed in her slate-gray uniform from her day job, her hair in a slick ponytail. “Because I’m an independent publisher, I don’t have that kind of policy. If I’m having this problem, other independent authors have to be having the same problem.”
Pendleton soon opened a kiosk in Chesapeake Square Mall – an ideal place, she says, because the mall only has a Christian bookstore. She then went from a kiosk to a booth, selling urban lit paperbacks. And now there’s the corner location next to the spacious Foot Locker. Independent authors whose titles dominate the shelves sign an agreement with Pendleton’s store in which they receive 60 percent of sales. They’re responsible for shipping their books to Urban Moon, where they are also sold on the store’s website.
“There’s usually more traffic on the weekends,” Pendleton says, looking outside the store at an eerily empty mall on a weeknight evening. “We’re gonna get Bibles in, too, so people can pick that up, if that’s what they’re looking for.”
A young woman with purple braids sweeping her back and two piercings in her bottom lip strolls into the store.
“Can I help you find something?” Pendleton says, rising from the table. “What are you in the mood for, girl? I got you.”
The customer smiles, “I read everything.”
Pendleton plucks one of her own books, “Open Marriage,” from the shelf and hands it to her. “I think you’ll like this.”
A young man then enters the store and snakes his arm around the young woman’s waist. She shows him the book and he furrows his brow.
Pendleton reaches for the book and chuckles, “If that’s your man, maybe you shouldn’t be reading this book.”
They all laugh. The couple scans the shelves. Before she leaves, the young woman promises to return to buy a few titles she sees.
“When people come in here, they didn’t know that there was this many books and authors. But we’re here,” Pendleton says, looking around her empty store. “This is my retirement plan. I ain’t going nowhere.”

Thursday, September 8, 2016





Wednesday, September 7, 2016


When an accidental murder is committed by one of five siblings they make a poor attempt to cover up the gruesome crime. Roz Hood, the eldest of the quintet, also a convicted felon, uses her feminine wiles to seduce Barks Daily, brother to the victim, in an effort to throw him off her sexual deviant sister's trail.


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Tuesday, September 6, 2016



The ultimate goal for Streetlife Publishers LLC is to provide the readers with the best novels on the market at a reasonable price. When we started the company we vowed to only publish novels that gave readers an inside perspective into the minds of our many talented authors. Our roster may not be as big as some of the other publishers, due to Streetlife only signing the best of the best, each author on our Streetlife’s roster is as good as it gets.
So needless to say, it is our intentions to attract new readers as well as to continue to entertain our current supporters with the page turning thrillers that leave you anticipating the next novel.
For all aspiring authors, if you’re looking for a solid team to be part of, you’re definitely looking in the right place. We are currently accepting manuscripts for review with serious consideration for those that meet our publishing standards, remember we publish nothing but the best.
Submission Guidelines:
We only accept completed novels. Partial novels or chapter samples will be recycled and will not be reviewed.
• Your submission must clearly display your name, address, and phone number(s) and email address (if
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• Manuscripts must be typed and double‐spaced. No exceptions. Manuscripts which are not typed or
double‐spaced will be recycled and will not be reviewed.
• We require the entire novel accompanied by a cover letter, synopsis and chapter outline.
• The cover letter should introduce the author, providing background and your passion as an author.
• Please provide a one page (short) synopsis that completely summarizes the book that reveals the
• Provide a simple chapter outline that covers what happens in the book in short bullet points, chapter by
We cannot return any manuscripts. Please keep a copy of your manuscript.
We appreciate all submissions and will make every effort to review your submission in under a month, but please
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Our preferred method would be via e-mail or mail your completed submission to:
Street Life Publishers LLC
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Monday, September 5, 2016

Top Black Authors and Publishers

Black Author - Eric Jerome Dickey
Eric Jerome Dickey
A popular black author of several best-selling novels.
Black Author - Vickie Stringer
Vickie StringerThis black author is the CEO of Triple Crown Publishing, one of the largest urban novel publishers.
Black Author - Zane
ZaneThis black author has written several best-selling romance novels that appeal to African American women.
Aisha Ford
Aisha Ford is a Christian who writes inspirational fiction. Her goal is to write stories that represent African Americans in a positive way.

Allen J.Z. Shabazz
Allen is the author of 4 books and has over 30 years of experience and research about black history and world history.

Alonda Alloway
Alonda has composed several novels, as well as a variety of short stories.

Angela Benson
A writer of 9 novels, Angela is the winner of multiple writing awards, including Best Multicultural Romance

Angela Henry
Angela was awarded Honorable Mention from Ebony for one of her short stories and is the founder of the MystNoir website.

Angela Nissel
Not only does Angela write novels, she’s also co-producer for the tv sitcom Scrubs.

Angie Daniels

Angie is a published author with multiple publishers. Currently she has 14 books available for purchase.

Anthony Asadullah Samad
One of the most read columnists in the African American press over the last 15 years, Anthony has authored 2 books as well.

Barbara P. Fleming
Barbara is the author of several mystery related books.

Barbara Joe-Williams
Not only is Ms Williams an author, she’s also an independent publisher. She travels doing motivational speaking and conducting seminars and workshops.

Barbara Neely
Barbara is the author of the popular Blanche White mystery novels. Her short stories have also been displayed in multiple media sources.

Bebe Moore Campbell
One of Bebe’s books was one of the Best of 2001 by the LA Times. She’s written articles for the New York times as a journalist.

Bernadene H. Coleman
Bernadene was born in Post-Prohibition times, and she has chosen to write about events that she first heard about as a child. Multiple novels have followed her first.

Bernadette Y. Connor
Bernadette is an accomplished author of 4 novels, continuing with her writing career even still.

Bernice L. McFadden
Bernice began writing after being laid off from a job. She also writes under the name Geneva Holliday.

Bette Ford
Bette is the author of 10 novels in the romance genre. One was nominated for Romantic Times “Reviewers Choice Award.”

Brandon Massey
Self publishing his first book before being signed by a publisher, Brandon has continued to go on and write multiple suspense thrillers.

Brenda Jackson
Even holding down a full time job, Brenda manages to write multiple books each year. She has received numerous rewards for her written art.

Brenda Joyce Nichols
Writer of Christian fiction, Brenda plans to advance her writing to non-fiction as well.

Brian Egeston
Brian wrote while attending college, and then he entered the corporate world. Later, he quit his desk job to begin writing full time.

C. Kelly Robinson
Another corporate-American turned full time writer, C. Kelly wrote his first book and then re-released it by a different name. This time, it became a best seller.

Candice Poarch
Writing about African American heroes and heroines, Candice likes writing stories that will leave her readers feeling refreshed and hopeful.

Celeste O. Norfleet
Celeste, a romance author with 15 books under her belt, writes romance because she believes in “happily ever after.”

Chassie West
Chassie writes mystery novels and has four novels, all with the character Leigh Ann Warren. She, however, began writing in the young adult genre.

Cheril N. Clarke
Featured in Curve Magazine, as well as several other publications, Cheril has penned 4 novels thus far. She has also published poems and short stories.

Dante Lee
Dante is an entrepreneur and also the author of "Black Business Secrets: 500 Tips, Strategies and Resources for the African American Entrepreneur " - which addresses the statistics that Black business owners are more likely to fail than their white counterparts.

E. Lynn Harris
Although E. Lynn was unable to find a publisher at first, he published his first novel himself. Once he received the acclaim he deserves, his career has gone on from there.
Earl Ofari Hutchinson
A syndicated newspaper columnist and CNN political analyst, who is also the author of nine different books on race and politics.

Eric Jerome Dickey
Eric is the author of several best-selling novels, and is well liked and respected by female readers. Originally from Memphis, he has also worked as a school teacher and stand-up comic.

Farrah Gray
Farrah is an author, motivational speaker, and entrepreneur who made his first million at the age of 12. His first book was "Reallionaire", and his second book was "Get Real, Get Rich".

Gayle Jackson Sloan
Currently Gayle has 2 published novels, the second a follow up (not a sequel, as she says) to the first. She has another novel on the way.

Gloria Mallette
A self-taught writer who has written 9 books including There Be Pain,What’s Done in the Dark, and Distant Love. She has been featured in several publications including USA Today.

Harrine Freeman
Harrine is the CEO of a company that helps people repair their credit. She is also the author "How To Get Out of Debt" - a popular step-by-step self help book.

James McBride
An accomplished musician and the critically acclaimed author of The Color of Water and Miracle at St. Anna. He is also a former staff writer for The Washington Post, People Magazine, and the Boston Globe.

Janet McDonald
Janet passed away a year ago in April of cancer, but not before writing 9 novels. Her writings will live on.

J.L King J.L is a New York Times best-selling author of "On The Down Low" and "Coming Up From The Down Low". He also has publishing company Urban Moon publishing.

Karen E. Quinones Miller
Publishing her first book herself, Karen went on the write 4 other bestselling novels. Even though she had to have surgery for a brain tumor, she continues to write.

Karrine Steffans
This controversial sex symbol and New York Times best-selling author has authored several books about her sexual experiences with celebrities - including Lil Wayne, Busta Rhymes, and even HBO's Bill Maher.

Coach Koran Godwin
Koran is the University of North Florida’s All-Time Leading Scorer and founder of He is also the author of Everyone Hates a Ball Hog but They All Love a Scorer: The Complete Guide to Scoring Points On and Off the Basketball Court.

Lawrence Christopher
Lawrence is a writer of short stories and has received many awards.

LeShawn Daniel
LeShawn has published author of 2 books, and he has also written songs for a Unityfest cd project.

Michael Baisden
Michael is a best-selling author, and now the popular host of the Michael Baisden show - an African American targeted radio show nationally-syndicated.

Michael Eric Dyson
The author of 14 books, Michael is an intellectual socially-conscious author who is also a professor at Georgetown University. Ebony magazine named him one of the hundred most influential blacks.

Minnie E. Miller
Minnie began her career with a book of short fiction stories, and she is currently in the process of her next novel.

Monica Regina Payton
Monica is a writer of both fiction and nonfiction. She penned an article that appeared in the Journal of American Academy of Physicians Assistants.

Nina Foxx
So far Nina has published 5 novels and has had a short story appear in Wanderlust. Her 4th novel was successfully adapted into a musical.

Omar Tyree
A 2006 Phillis Wheatley Literary Award winner, Omar has published 15 books thus far. He’s been recognized as one of the most renowned contemporary writers in the Black community.

Relentless Aaron
A best-selling author from New York who has sold nearly 200,000 urban novels. Recently signed a deal with G-Unit books - a company owned by rapper 50 Cent.

Sandra Kitt
Sandra’s first book was optioned by HBO and Lifetime. She was the first black writer to ever publish with Harlequin.

Shannon N. Davis
Due to the rejections she received from publishing companies, Shannon Davis decided to start her own. She has 3 novels at this point.

Shelia Goss
Shelia has already received at least 10 awards for her writings. She has 3 novels and one on the way.

Vickie Stringer
Vickie is the queen of urban novels. After writing her first novel, she sold thousands of copies independently and went to launch Triple Crown Publications.

A New York Times best-selling author, Zane has written several books that collectively have sold more than 250,000 copies. In addition to being an author, she is also the founder and publisher of Strebor Books International. 


These former incarcerated authors turned their sentences into real-life experiences for millions of readers.
Dominating the Essence and New York Times bestsellers lists, respectively, street literature, officially recognized as urban fiction, has evolved into a permanent part of American literature. Telling the often tragic stories of African-American men trapped in the gritty realities of urban culture and the women who love them and become victims of vicious cycles, these novels have captivated many in the black community and beyond. With the success of street literature, many African-American authors have been transformed from street-savvy hustlers to literary inspirations and millionaires. Most of these prominent urban authors are using their life experiences to fuel their passion and words. Here, we feature eight urban authors who were once or are still incarcerated. They all have criminal histories, but now their experiences are used to prevent others from following down such a despairing path.
Wahida Clark
"wahida clark"
With the release of her 2005 acclaimed debut novel, Thugs and the Women who Love Them, the world was introduced to an emerging talent in urban fiction, Wahida Clark. The “Queen of Thug Love Fiction” immediately built a dedicated foundation of readers that were mesmerized with her depictions of a lifestyle that involved hustling, murder, and millions. Writing about the realities of the “ghetto,” where loyalty is more valuable than life, Clark used her words to create a literary empire.
Though the New Jersey native is one of the most popular authors writing street literature, for most of her Essence Bestselling career, she was once incarcerated in a women’s federal camp in Lexington, Kentucky. After reading a small portion of Shannon Holmes’ B-More Careful in XXL magazine, Clarke made the conscious decision to dedicate the remainder of her nine-year-sentence to creating the “Thug” series, thus sharing her experiences in life with the world. Since her release, Wahida Clark has used her position in literature to expose other urban authors to her audience. She is now the head of W. Clark Publishing and is now regarded as a savvy business woman and wise entrepreneur.
Kwame Teague

When True to the Game author, Teri Woods, discovered Kwame Teague in a North Carolina prison, a dynasty was created. Serving two life sentences for the shooting deaths of two men (he plead not guilty), Teague refused to spend his time idly, waiting for a possible release date in the future. Instead, he has penned the series, Dutch, a wildly successful urban fiction masterpiece that has captured the attention of many readers. Though Kwame’s name is not included on the covers of any of the Dutch novels for legal reasons, he is the mastermind behind the words. The Dutch series has been banned in all state prisons for inciting violence among inmates, but that has not stopped Teague from continuing to write about these fictional characters living real-life situations.
K’wan is one of the most accomplished authors in urban fiction, but in 2002, he was merely a novice in the writing world, as he was the first author in line to be published by the relatively small and widely unknown company, Triple Crown Publications. Catching the writing bug while serving a short stint in jail, K’wan was literally dared to write the beginnings of the classic, Gangsta. It became the foundation from which Triple Crown Publications was built and evolved into an Essence bestseller and a favorite of many devoted urban fiction readers. Now, with 11 bestsellers under his belt, a multi-book deal with St. Martin’s Press, and thousands of his adoring fans that read whatever he chooses to write, K’wan is regarded as one of the leaders in the genre.
Kiki Swinson
Author of the extremely popular and successful Wifey series, Kiki Swinson, is a living testament to the resilience of the human spirit. The Portsmouth, Virginia, writer discovered her passion for penning real-life experiences in novel form when she completed her first book, Mad Shambles, while serving five-years in federal prison for allegedly being the “wifey” of a very successful drug dealer. After being released, Swinson self-published Mad Shambles before pitching Wifey to publishing houses. Eventually, the book was picked up by Melodrama Publishing and after fans demanded a sequel, Swinson delivered with I’m Still Wifey, Life After Wifey, and Still Wifey Material along with other popular novels. Fifteen years after being released from prison, Kiki Swinson’s life as a narcotics kingpen’s wifey has generated a hefty profit.
Shannon Holmes
Bronx, New York native, Shannon Holmes, was armed with nothing more than a GED and a prison record when he decided that writing about his street experiences rather than living them was his life’s mission. While serving five years in prison for various drug convictions, Holmes wrote his first novel and negotiated a deal with Triple Crown Publications. His timely classic, B-More Careful, was the launching pad for his successful career as an author. Going on to sell half-a-million copies, B-More Careful transformed Holmes into a platinum commodity in publishing. After negotiating a two-book, six-figure deal with Simon & Schuster, Holmes continues to be a giant in urban fiction. His sophomore novel, Bad Girlz sold 50,000 copies in the first week alone and he accomplished a feat that no other urban fiction author had been able to do in the past. His critically acclaimed book, Never Go Home Again was the first in the genre to be printed in hardcover. Now crowned as the “King of Hip-Hop Literature,” Holmes has negotiated a larger deal with St. Martin’s Press and released several other popular street novels.
Seven years in federal prison served Jihad well. It awakened his conscious to the issues plaguing the African-American community and inspired him to begin writing and using his experiences to motivate others to achieve the impossible. After signing a deal with Envisions Publishing, Jihad created the Jihad Uhuru Wake-Up Everybody Foundation and began creating thought-provoking characters for his popular novels, including Preacherman Blues, Preacherman Blues II, and Baby Girl. As an award-winning novelist and Essence bestseller, Jihad is nine novels into his blossoming career and is in the process of adapting Baby Girl into a screenplay.
Vickie M. Stringer
All hail the Queen of Hip-Hop Literature! Vickie M. Stringer is a literary powerhouse. After founding the renowned publishing company Triple Crown Publications, Stringer was  integral in changing the published world by creating a stable of urban authors with powerful stories to share with the world. Once considered the “cocaine Queen” of Columbus, Ohio, Stringer served seven years in federal prison before realizing that she had a knack and passion for writing.
After her release, Stringer founded Triple Crown Publications. After receiving 26 rejection letters from different publishing houses, Stringer self-published Let That Be the Reason, selling it out of the trunk of her car at salons and barbershops. Now, she has inked a deal with Simon & Schuster to publish her successful novels including Dirty Red while she still seeks talent for her Triple Crown Publications, which is rumored to be worth millions. Vickie M. Stringer turned her life into a living testament to the power of determination, strong will, and the resilience of the human spirit.
Treasure Hernandez
There isn’t much known about one of Kensington Publishing Corporation’s premiere authors, Treasure Hernandez, but her novels are a grim slice of urban reality. As the creator of the Flint and Baltimore Chronicles series, Hernandez is a force to be reckoned with in the urban fiction genre. After her words were discovered by fellow author, Carl Weber, Hernandez has been in a tunnel headed towards success. The most powerful aspect of Treasure Hernandez’ journey is that she is currently incarcerated, but has released a full seven-book series, three books of a new series, and two other independent novels. Once she is released, Treasure will be able to capitalize on the career that she has established behind prison walls.

Sunday, September 4, 2016



Wynter Andrews is no stranger to pain. She has endured it most of her young life. From being sold to the highest bidder, to abuse, to having to put up with nothing but lies; she’s seen it all. One day she has an encounter with a handsome gentleman, who makes her believe that all of her woes have finally come to an end. For once in her life, Wynter can finally envision her happy ending. Soon after falling head over heels in love with her savior, she finds that not even he is who he claims to be. Just like the others before him, he too is deceiving her. 
Fed up with being lied to and used, Wynter vows to never again let another person get close enough to hurt her. With that in mind, she uses what she has to get ahead in life, leaving nothing but chaos behind. What she doesn’t know is not everyone is going to lie down and allow her to have her way with them. Some chalk up their losses and move on, while other want pay back in blood. Will Wynter come out on top, or will her hateful heart be the cause of her downfall. 

A woman’s Love comes straight from her heart, a man’s Loyalty comes from the pit of his soul and together that’s one of the most powerful combinations on earth but in a world full of jealousy and hate it proves to be somewhat impossible. 
Trina is a natural born hustler, who will do anything to see her family win. When her husband is brutally murdered she did the only thing she knew how to do and that was to survive. She steps in as the head of the family business and with her kids by her side the Shaw family is headed for excellency. The only thing that’s missing in her world is companionship, although half of her heart was buried with Trav she feels like she’s ready to step back out into the love scene. The only thing standing in her way is the love and respect she has for her kids, what would they think about her moving on and how would they about who she has decided to move on with? 
Stone was the oldest of the Shaw clan and a natural born leader. He took pride in being his brother’s keeper and protecting his sister with his life. Stone didn’t really deal with the love thing after being burnt by his ex. He vowed to never give his heart to another woman, that is until he set his sights on the naturally beautiful Starr and they connect in a way that neither has ever felt before. When Stone’s loyalty to what he is trying to build with Starr is tested and leaves him with a decision that may cause Starr to never give them a real chance, will he do whats and be the man he is trying to convince Starr he is or will be fall back into the trenches of his doggish ways? 
Slick was the brains of the operation; he could get you any kind of information that you needed straight from his cellphone. He made sure to keep the family on their toes and enemies at arm’s length. When the dead end relationship with his current girlfriend Kimmie proves to be more than he is willing to deal with, he up and leaves just in time to run into the gorgeous Paige. Too bad Kimmie has a secret that could very well put the whole family in danger and ruin any chances that he may have at happiness. 
Chaos is the baby boy and adopted by Trina and Trav when he was 12 years old, he was subject to things that no young boy his age should ever have to go through. His troubled past keeps him from loving anyone who is not family, including his long time situationship with the sexy Megan who would give anything to be a permanent fixture in his life. Too bad the only thing Chaos can do for Megan is keep her satisfied in the bedroom anything else is completely out of the question. Tired of waiting for Chaos, Megan attempts to move on with her life but secrets and drama push these two right back into each other’s arms, but can Chaos be what Megan needs in her life? 
Baby is the baby of the bunch and is treated as such but don’t underestimate her she is just as ruthless as the rest of the family. Not even 21 yet she had no thoughts of settling down. Although her feelings for Blaze are very strong, she is still not ready to give her all to no one. Baby uses her beauty to get anything she wants but what happens when she involves herself with a married man and the wife is willing to fight for her marriage? 
Let’s take a trip into the world of the Shaw’s and see just how far they are willing to go to find love and loyalty. 

In her own right, Givana is one bad woman. Not in the sense of her looks, receiving large sums of money, paying for an expensive condo and having designers to fill her closet. Literally, Givana is a badass. When one of the men she’s worked for in the past connects her to a friend of his for a job, the money is almost too difficult to pass up. But is it worth it? 

A screw loose? Maybe two? It’s not enough when describing the mentality of Slay. Jason Miranda— better known as “Slay” on the streets— is your go-to guy when you need something that doesn’t belong to you, and you need it quickly and without a trace. Dubbed as “The Prince of Thieves”, he too is offered a job by his old friend’s friend. The only thing that makes him want the job that seems a little too hard to believe, is the chocolate bombshell beauty that is known as Givana. Does he even have a shot in hell when trying to recruit Givana and convince her that he’s the perfect fit for her?

In this twisted love affair, you will meet Zoe, a divorced single mother who seeks comfort in married men. She is all about money, and does not care a bit about them going back home to their wives. After the heartache that her ex-husband left her with, she vows to never fall for another man. That is until she meets, Cainan Wallace, better known as Cain, a handsome 28-year-old businessman. His hood demeanor has Zoe ‘judging a book by its cover’ and not wanting to get to know him. When she does, he steals her heart in a matter of time. Yet, Cain has secrets of his own and demons that he’s trying to fight off. We’ll see if he’s able to keep his secrets and Zoe apart. Or will he have to sacrifice his reputation, all for the love of Zoe. 
Linda is Zoe’s sister, and the type who wants everyone to believe she has the picture perfect marriage. Behind closed doors, there are secrets, infidelities, and lines that have been crossed in more ways than one. Let’s just see if love is enough to keep this family as one. 

After Malaysia was shot on their wedding day, Consequence made a promise to not only Lay but to himself that he was gone find Marco and Miley and make both of them pay for taking away his daughter and nearly taking away Malaysia from him. 
Malaysia woke up from her coma with one thing on her mind. Finding and killing Marco and Miley. They not only try to take her life, but they did take the life of her daughter. After losing her daughter she changed and so did things in her life. 
Nae thought she and Dean had the perfect life, that was until she stumbled upon some information that rocks her entire world. 
Dean tried his hardest to get his family back after Nae found out about his betrayal. Will he be able to do it?

Coming from Columbus, Georgia where the street life is gritty, Damian rises above it all and escapes the place he calls home when he gets drafted to the NBA by the Hawks. With his loyal girlfriend, Cassidy, on his arm, life is good. His world slowly starts to crumble when an old friend shows up and wants a favor. Damian knows that he has to do exactly what is asked of him, because if not, the secret that he buried long ago will be revealed. 

Cassidy and her brother, Aaron came from nothing. They relocate to Atlanta with the hopes of building the life they never had a chance to experience. Things are going great until Cassidy’s longtime boyfriend gets mixed up in something that he can’t get out of. Soon, her once happy life is shattered by the murder of a close friend. Broken hearted, Cassidy turns to the ones she loves for support, but what she fails to realize is that the culprit is closer than she thinks. 

LaDeedra is known for getting exactly what she wants, because she refuses to take no for an answer. When a well-known NBA player catches her eye, she immediately comes up with a plan to get him, because she knows that he can help her achieve the lifestyle she feels she’s owed. The problem is that he has a longtime girlfriend. Once her plan to draw him in fails, LaDeedra has to figure out another way to sink her claws into her meal ticket; even if that means taking out the competition. 

In the final installment of this drama filled series, the crew that you've come to love is back. As gunshots fly, revenge is sought. Love is tested and possibly lost. 

Jax fights to get Cam medical attention before it's too late, following the incident after his get together. Will Cam make it out alive? Is the baby that Jax just found out about okay? Is this the end of your favorite couple? 

Milli and Keesh, the two love birds, take us on a journey of their day in their life. Milli wants nothing more than to love his woman, and expand their family, but Keesh may not be ready. Her decision could possibly put a strain on their once flourishing relationship. 

The drama continues, lives are lost, but love conquerors all. Take this last journey with the people that you've fallen in love with and see how everything pans out.

The hustle and the love affairs continue… 
Following Raven’s horrifying car accident, she is now in ICU fighting for her life. But will she survive? Or has her time here on Earth come to an abrupt end? 
​Tamia finally ended her toxic relationship with Shotta after discovering his infidelity, and his new baby on the way with his mistress. Tamia soon gets deeply involved with a man who treats her like royalty and spoils her with loyalty, but is she officially done with Shotta or is SHE the one being disloyal in the relationship this time? Will she remain faithful to her new man or will she go back to the 6-year relationship with Shotta? 
​After an anonymous letter was sent to Parys’ husband in prison, informing him about her adultery, Parys’ marriage has been on thin ice! Even though she only had sex for money to provide for her kids, will Sisco understand and believe that? Or will he be signing those divorce papers in prison? 
​Yasmin has been scheming on people for a while now and karma never seemed to catch up with her—until now. With 2 pending charges against her, Yasmin is facing some serious jail time. But will she beat her cases? Or will she be put behind bars where she belongs? 
In this treacherous finale, you’ll see that every hustle isn’t good and just because you love someone, doesn’t mean you two belong together. Between the abortion, sex affairs, love triangles, and even murder, you’ll soon learn that all is fair…. in a hustle and love affair!!

Why is it so hard to walk away from the one you love? 
Sexy, independent, single mother, KoKo, is attempting to place her past behind her, but she can’t seem to rid herself of the shameful grip that her son’s father, Homicide, has on her life. Moving into her own place was the start to self-sufficiency after a horrible split with him. His controlling ways trumped her confidence, and caused her to reject love in any form when expressed by a man. However, a fated encounter with a handsome stranger quickly changes her outlook and causes her hurdles to dwindle in size. Still, reservations and fear aided by Homicide’s existence lingers much longer than Koko would care to admit. Once the wifey of a plug, always the wifey of a plug, and Homicide is the street king of Dallas. 
Like a knight in shining armor, Mekhi rescues Koko, setting her heart on fire and putting her love in the air. Hustler turned business owner, Mekhi is a self-proclaimed boss, who’s put his street ways behind him. He could have any woman he wants, that is until KoKo walks into his life. She’s the complicated beauty with a lot of extra baggage, who is hell bent on giving him a run for his money. He’s got his work cut out with her but at what cost? How far is he willing to go to steal the dope man’s girl? Or will he get anywhere at all? 
Mesha, Koko’s well cared for and materialistic bestie, is at her wits end with the secrecy and denial of the relationship that she shares with her play brother, Nas. While Nas doesn’t want to ruin the bond they’ve created over the years, Mesha is searching for more. She finds it within Dutch, a new crewmember of the same organization that Nas is a part of, Cokeboyz. Against Mesha’s better judgment, she pursues a relationship that was tainted from the start, and places both herself and Nas in the line of fire. 
Between the pages of this fast-paced, grimy, yet, beautiful tale of hatred, love, and forgiveness, this Dallas crew appears to be bound for destruction. Gather your bearings as the chain of spiraling events causes you to wonder who you’re riding for, and if they’ll make it to see the light of day. 

Kill that nigga for my dawg and now he owes me one 
Sha aint willing to sit back and allow someone attack his family. With his gun and his right hand, wife right by his side he’s ready to get some answers, that’s until Royalty springs the news of Celine’s pregnancy on him. After the loss of their daughter, it’s nothing he wants more than to have another baby with the love of his life, but will he get that? Will Celine do the unthinkable and break her vows because of her fears? 
Zigz has always been considered the one with a few screws missing. What happens when Autumn has been the one with the screws all this time? Will Zigz step up and be the man that both Levi and Autumn need in their life? Will Autumn find out about what Zigz was doing the night he was arrested? Or will Zigz take it to his grave? Being surrounded by women that shoot first and ask questions later, Zigz doesn’t want to expose Autumn to the lifestyle, but will he have a choice? 
Lord stepped in and took what was his; Royalty. But, what about Mia? Where does that leave her in their lover’s triangle? His mind is on one thing and that’s making Royalty into the woman he needs, not the spoiled bratty girl she was with Kansas. Will he be able to achieve that or will Royalty go running back to Kansas? Will Lord finally throw the towel in when it comes to Royalty and find out what’s really out there for him? 
Everyone is in love in this sequel, but are they with the right people? We know who we want together, but is that what their heart is telling them? I present to you I can’t be the one you, the sequel.

Welcome to Compton California, the home to some of the most ruthless gangsters where everybody has a little thug in them. 

Papoose, who's known for his good looks, his Compton swag, and love for his family, was missing one thing; the Bonnie to his Clyde. Growing up on the side where the color 'red' held an impact on his life, being loyal to the only way he knew how to live never stopped him from getting what he wanted, and it was no different when he met Thai by default. 

Thai lived on the West Coast with the only person who held the other half of her heart; her brother Tyrone. She'd always been strong minded and held everything down until her favorite cousin gets killed by some thugs, while hanging out with her at the wrong place and time. She suffered greatly behind the lost until she met Papoose and gave him a shot. 

Papoose wanted to love Thai, but if he told her his secret he knew she'd be gone. Thai fell hard for Papoose while hiding her own secrets that she knew for sure would get her killed if she ever told him the truth. Meanwhile, Thai's brother Tyrone, who's life is impacted by the color 'blue' wasn't having any of the bullshit, he didn't fuck with the other side. It was simply the code of the streets. 

When secrets unfold could love conquer all? When Papoose finds out Thai's secret will a price be put on her head, or will his love prevail? Can the code of the bloods and crips come to a common ground when love was involved? It all goes down on the streets of LA. 

Find out what it's like to find Thug Lovin' In Compton.

Fresh out of prison, Jules Baptiste decides to leave Miami and head to Raleigh, North Carolina with his brother Jacques, sister Emilie, and friend, Nick. Jules possesses the street smarts, the hustler's mentality, and the ruthlessness that it takes to come to an unknown city and take over blocks. It doesn't take long for Jules and his crew to start shining, but the more money they accumulate, the more drama that begins to unfold. The locals don't take too kindly to the Baptiste boys’ sudden arrival, and things begin to heat up in the streets. 

Lyric is just getting over the death of her fiancĂ©, and all she cares about is raising her child and being successful in her career. When the charming Jules enters her life, she is smitten as well as torn. Lyric is battling herself on whether to give in to her desires and let Jules love her, or stand firm on the promise she made to herself. Will all of Jules’ drama remind her why she no longer wants a dope boy, and cause her to push him away? Will love conquer all, or will Jules’ lifestyle cost him the woman that he's fallen deeply in love with?